Held under the auspices of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, a workshop was organized by Development and Quality Assurance Center at AL-Nasser University on Mon, 13 Feb 2012, at the University’s headquarter. The workshop was about “Training on the Assessment of Course Intended Learning Outcomes.” The workshop training was conducted by Prof Mohammed Esharjabi, the

استهل منتخب جامعة الناصر أولى مبارياته في بطولة الجامعات بالملتقى الشتوي السادس بفوز ثمين على منتخب جامعة الرازي بنتيجة 4 – 1، في المباراة التي جمعتهما مساء الخميس الموافق 9 فبراير 2023م على أرض نادي وحدة صنعاء. وتمكن منتخب الناصر من السيطرة على مجريات المباراة منذ الدقائق الأولى حيث افتتح اللاعب محمد جمال التسجيل في

Under the auspices of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, a seminar on “Data Security Crime Forensics” was organized by Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences at Al-Nasser University in collaboration with Yemeni IT & Telecommunications Union and IEEE-Yemen Branch. The seminar was held at the headquarter of Faculty of Engineering and Commuter Sciences on Wed,

Open Day Organized by Department of English

Wednesday, 08 February 2023

In the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, the Open Day activity was organized by the students of Department of English at Faculty of Humanities. The event was held at the University’s headquarter on Mon, 6 Feb 2023. In a speech delivered on the occasion, Prof Omar Eshuja, Dean of Development and Quality Assurance

In the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, a function was held on Tues, 31 Jan 2023, by Medical Labs Department at Faculty of Medical Sciences on the occasion of completing the 10th training course in first aids. The Chancellor gave a speech in which he greeted the participants and noted that Medical Labs

Chancellor Honors Ebda3 Soft Center

Thursday, 02 February 2023

Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, presented an appreciation certificate to EbdaSoft Center for Training and Consultations. The certificate was handed over to Dr. Mohammed Eshihari, Head of the Center, in recognition of their collaboration of training Al-Nasser students on financial and accounting systems. The Chancellor appreciated EbdaSoft’s contributions to promoting the students’ skills at Faculty

Under the auspices of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, the Gifted Students Show was organized by Al-Nasser students at the University’s headquarter on Mon, 30 Jan 2023. The event included many shows that displayed the authentic Yemeni heritage. The participants’ pride of their national identity was reflected through a number of shows and activities that

An inspecting visit was made by Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, on Sat, 28 Jan 2023, to the labs and study halls of Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences. The Visit intended to follow up the progress of the educational process for the 2nd semester 1444 AH/ 2022-2023. Addressing the students,

شاركت جامعة الناصر في فعاليات تدشين الملتقى الشتوي السادس للألعاب الرياضية الذي ينظمه نادي وحدة صنعاء، والذي دشنه يوم الإثنين الموافق 23 يناير 2023م نائب رئيس الوزراء لشؤون الخدمات الدكتور حسين مقبولي وأمين عام المجلس المحلي بأمانة العاصمة رئيس نادي وحدة صنعاء أمين جمعان على أرضية النادي في أمانة العاصمة. ويشارك في فعاليات الملتقى نحو

An inspecting visit was made by Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, on 1 Rajab 1444 AH (corresponding to 23 Jan 2023) to the study halls at Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies and Faculty of Humanities. The visit intended to follow up the study progress of the 2nd semester 1444AH/2022-2023. Touring the class halls of

Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, honored on Sat, 21 Jan 2023, the students and committees participating in the 2nd Productive Pharmacist Exhibition organized by Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences last Oct at the University headquarter. The Chancellor appreciated the efforts of the students who participated in organizing the exhibition. He also extended words of

Under the auspices of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, the Annual Thalassemia Activity was organized by Medical Labs Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, in collaboration with Yemeni Society for Thalassemia and Genetic Blood Disorders and National Blood Transfusion & Research Center. The event was held on Sat, 21 Jan 2023, at the University headquarter with