The ninth issue of Al-Nasser Journal has been published. This is a refereed scientific journal issued biannually by Al-Nasser University. The journal is meant to publish the scholarly studies in both natural and social sciences. The current issue comprises 14 academic papers as follows:   The Educational Challenges of Globalization The Effects of Meaningful

The 2016/2017 second semester’s course plan was successfully accomplished at Nursing Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Al-Nasser University. The plan comprised theoretical classes, practical activities, field visits to hospitals, and the final examination. Spanning 12 weeks, the second semester was given a due time to finish the different levels’ course plan. Sophomore students were instructed

Prof. Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor) conducted a visit to inspect the progress of the 2016/2017 second semester’s final exams at FECS, FAFS, and Faculty of Humanities. Touring the Exam Control Office and halls, the Chancellor made sure that all preparations and arrangements are fine as well as that the exam environment is convenient for examinees.

IT Students Visit UST Hospital

Sunday, 21 May 2017

A visit organized by FECS was conducted for IT juniors to the Department of Information Systems & Technology at University of Science and Technology Hospital on May 16, 2017. The students were received by Dr. Ahmed EL-Mansour (Head of UST’s IT Dept.), Mr. Muhanad Ethubhani (Technical Support Executive), and Mr. Tameem Ettameemi (Director of IT

I T junior students of FECS, Al-Nasser University, had a visit to Al-Amal Microfinance Bank located at Baghdad St., Sana’a on May 14, 2017. They were received by Mr. Mohammed Attiah (Director of Training) and Habib El-Areeqi (Director of Maintenance & Networks) who introduced the visitors to the technologies of the information systems used in

Open Day at English Department

Saturday, 06 May 2017

An open day was organized by English Department, Faculty of Humanities to pay farewell to fourth-level students who are about to finish their course in Al-Nasser University. The event was held at the grand hall on May 5, 2017 in the presence of Dr. Mohammed El-Kuhali (FAFS Dean), Dr. Mohammed Shawqi (Dean of Humanities), Dr.

Students’ Pleasure Trips Continued

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Three pleasure trips were organized for the FECS & FAFS students to Family Park, Sana’a from April 22 to 24, 2017. The trips took part within the activity program meant to take the students in an entertaining break away from the study’s routine in order to get fun and refreshment prior to the second-semester exams.

Lab’s Open Day for Needy Families

Saturday, 29 April 2017

An open day was organized by Lab juniors at Al-Nasser University under the slogan, “Be a seed of bestowal: together let’s sow good so we can reap smile.” The event was held at the FMS’ grand hall on Thursday, April 27, 2017. Chiefly, the event was intent to give charity to the needy families with

I S Students Visit Yemen Soft

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Information Systems junior students were taken on two visits organized by Faculty of Administrative & Financial Studies to the headquarter of Yemen Soft Co. located at 50-meter St., Sana’a on April 20 and 23, 2017. Giving welcome to the visiting students, Mr. Ahmed El-Amri (Director of R & D Dept.) introduced them to the company’s

The eighth issue (Jul-Dec 2016) of Al-Nasser Journal has been published. This is a refereed scientific journal issued biannually by Al-Nasser University. The journal is meant to publish the scholarly studies in both natural and social sciences. The current issue comprises 13 academic papers all of which were subject to peer reviews by a number

Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor and Head of Supreme Examination Committee, has conducted a visit to the examination halls at FMS. The tour took place on Thursday, Jan 26, 2017 as part of the inspection program over the progress of the 2016/2017first-semester final exams. The Chancellor made sure that all exam procedures are rightly arranged

Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor and Head of Supreme Examination Committee, has conducted a visit to the examination halls at FECS, FAFS, and Humanities College. The tour took place on Saturday, Jan 21, 2017 to closely inspect the progress of the 2016/2017first-semester final exams. The Chancellor made sure that all exam procedures are rightly arranged