CBT Attends Introductory Workshop of World Bank Grant-Holders
Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharam, Chaiman of the Board of Trustees, has attended the introductory workshop organized on Feb. 10, 2014 by the World Bank for grant-holder institutions at Albustan Hotel, Sana’a. The project’s overviews, its objectives, past achievements as well as future scope were discussed in details by Dr. Abdullah Nashir, a project consultant. Project Director Mohammed Alowaini, addressed attendants offering his congratulations to the winners. He, besides, highlighted the project’s objectives and focused on the significance of consulting services for success citing examples of similar experiences in Yemen and the world. Mr. Anwar Mahyoob, a project consultant, explained and illustrated the guide of easy purchase procedures. During the workshop, an improvement plan was proposed by Miss Liqa’a Abdullah, a project consultant, who also clarified a number of doubts related to the consulting services provided by the project. Towards the end of the workshop, grant-holders were divided into work groups. They discussed the matters relevant to preparing and submitting the project’s plan meanwhile the raised questions were answered by the groups’ superintendants. It is worth mentioning that Alnasser University is one of the 100 private institutions admitted to the grant program. The program offers consulting in such fields as marketing plans, institution development, and quality, administrative, as well as auditing systems.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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