Certificate of Appreciation to Shamil Bank of Yemen and Bahrain (SBYB)
A certificate of Appreciation was presented by Al-Nasser University to Shamil Bank of Yemen and Bahrain for their cooperation in students’ field training.
Presented on behalf of the University by Dr. Mohammed El-Kuhali, FAFS Dean, the certificate was handed over to Mr. Ahmed Ali El-Serhi (Chairman of SBYB’s Sho’oub Branch).
Dr. El-Kuhali thanked SBYB for its great contributions to the practical training of FAFS’s students enhancing in the process their professional experience. He thanked also the Department of Training for preparing and implementing the training programs so as to raise the University’s educational quality.
For his part, Mr. El-Serhi valued such a kind gesture and praised Al-Nasser’s leading role offering the best qualification and practical learning. He noted that SBYB has always its doors open to Al-Nasser students for practice.
Certificate of Appreciation to Shamil Bank of Yemen and Bahrain (SBYB)
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