Chancellor Inspects 1st Semester Class Progress at IT Department
An inspecting visit was conducted by Prof Abdullah Tahish (the Chancellor) on Sat, 5 Oct 2019 to the study hall and labs at IT Department, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, to follow up the class progress of the 1st semester, 2019/2020.
During the visit, the Chancellor congratulated the fresher students at the outset of their bachelor’s educational pursuit at Al-Nasser University. He invited them to dedicate all time and effort to learning availing themselves of the experienced faculty members. Stressing on compliance to the University’s regulations, he wished them the best of success.
For his part, Dr. Qais Ennuzaili (Head of IT Department) gave a speech in which he emphasized the importance of IT discipline in itself and for other fields. He noted that the students’ choice of such a specialty entails being responsibly dedicated to study in addition to the continuous self-learning due to its rapid development.
The Chancellor was escorted throughout his visit by Dr. Mansour Ezzabadi (FECS Dean), Dr. Qais Ennuzaili (Head of IT Department), Mr. Fawaz El-Qubati (Academic Head of Aptech Center), and Mr. Hani El-Ghaithi (an IT superintendent and faculty member).
جامعة الناصر تقيم فعالية للإحتفال بذكرى ميلاد الزهراء
الأثنين الـ 29 جماد الثاني 1446هـ الموافق 30 دي...نظمت جامعة الناصر اليوم الاثنين 29 / 6 / 1446 هـ ، الموافق 30 / 12 / 2024م ، وقفة تضامنية مع الشعب الفلسطيني تحت عنوان ” ثابتون مع غزة العزة… بلا سقف ولا خطوط حمراء ” .
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