Chancellor Inspects 1st Semester Final Exams at FECS
An inspecting visit was made on Monday, 25th Jan 2021, by Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, to the exam halls at Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences. The visit was meant to follow up the progress of the final exams for the 1st semester, 2020/2021.
During the visit, the Chancellor appreciated the efforts made by the responsible exam committees. Addressing the examinees, he confirmed the University Board’s readiness and devotion to facilitating the students’ learning and dealing with any difficulty they might encounter. He counselled them to work hard and do their best since their field of specialty requires being continuously updated. He also wished them the best of luck.
Prof Tahish was escorted throughout his visit by Dr. Mansour Ezzabadi (FEFS Dean), Dr. Qais Ezznuzaili (Head of IT Department), Dr. Najeeb Eshuraei (Head of Civil Engineering Department), and Mr. Fawaz El Qubati (Academic Head of Aptech Center), and Mr. Hani El Ghaithi (a faculty member).
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