Chancellor Inspects Exams’ Progress
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Professor Said Alghalebi, the University Chancellor, has paid a visit to the campus of Medical Science and Engineering colleges where he closely inspected how the final exams of First Semester 2013\2014 were conducted according to the assigned academic schedule.
The chancellor went through models of the question papers and checked over the exams’ progress. He appreciated the efforts made by the deanships of both colleges in preparing for and running the exams.
During his visit to the exam halls, the Chancellor was escorted by Mr. Hassan Alghashm, the Director of Exams. Their official visit aims at ensuring an undisturbed progress of the exams in the various university colleges.
“To qualify excellent students,” commented the Chancellor “is our top mission. We are, therefore, keen on keeping students away from the psychological tensions that often accompany the exams. We, besides, do our best to create a calm and comfortable exam’s environment.”
On his part, the Director of Exams asked the students to work hard towards attaining an outstanding success. He wished them the best of luck emphasizing that the promising future of their professional career is their own responsibility. That is why they must prove to be worthy of the trust endowed upon them by their families, university, and, above all, nation.
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