Closure of Horizon 2020 Workshop
Friday, 13 February 2015
The Horizon 2020 workshop in which the Rector, Prof. Abdullah Hussein Tahish, was a participant, concluded on Feb. 12, 2015 at 5: 30 pm. The two-day research and innovation workshop took place in Cairo under the Euro-Arab cooperation scheme. It had six sessions of discussions that addressed a number of themes:
- 1. It reviewed many successful models of Euro-Arab scientific cooperation where some Arab institutions got bonds of partnership with European universities. As a result, these models could achieve a significant progress in infrastructure, enhance research requirements, have joint studies and fellowships with European universities, and support the talented scholars with the materials that turn their creative ideas into real projects.
- The mechanism and scope of the Horizon 2020 project were briefed by the coordinator. About € 80 billion is the total fund of innovation and research for the period 2014-2020.
- The brainstorming session confirmed the importance of establishing intra-Arab and Euro-Arab partnership in which Arab institutions can take advantage of the EU grants and aid in the fields of research and innovation such as Horizon 2020 and the like schemes.
- At the workshop, Chairman of the Science and Technology Foundation, UAE, announced El-Baz Initiative for Arab development and innovation. The brochure of the above-mentioned initiative would be posted on the University’s website for active participation.
- The Rector had a meeting with the Chairman of Science and Technology Foundation whereupon they agreed that the UAE Foundation must have an active role to play in Yemen in conjunction with Al-Nasser University.
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