Community Health Dept. Partakes in Humanitarian Activity Workshop Held by Blood Bank
The Community Health students of Al-Nasser University took part in the workshop intended to introduce the areas of humanitarian activity. Held on Monday, 17 Nov 2019, the workshop was organized by and at the headquarter of Blood Bank with the purpose of building the capabilities of health and medicine affiliates.
Coordinated by the Bank’s executive manager, Dr. Waleed Eshuaibi, the workshop tackled a number of themes that were presented by the Bank’s specialists. The themes included introducing the Bank’s humanitarian activities, the pharmaceutical financing sources, the monitoring and evaluation mechanism, the medical service program preparation, the health outreach program coordination, and promoting community partnership and volunteering work. The above themes were presented by: Dr. Ali Jahaf (the official in charge of Partnership Unit at the Bank), Dr. Abdulfatah Esselwi (the official in charge of Pharmaceutical Finance), Dr. Ayman Jameel (the official in charge of Health Outreach Program), Mr. Tariq Elmashreqi (the coordinator of Capacity Building Program), Dr. Nour Addeen El-Osaimi (the director of Monitoring and Evaluation), Dr. Tariq Eshafe’I (the director of Medical Service Program), and Dr. Hanan Helal (the Data Entry Specialist).
Yemen Blood Bank is a non-profit charity organization which aims at providing the urgent health and medical services so as to help control diseases, relieve the suffering of the poor and vulnerable people, and ensure their access to such services safely and graciously. Additionally, the Bank contributes to stimulating solidarity and cooperation as well as coordinating the efforts of the governmental sector and the humanitarian partners belonging to the various civil societies and national, and international organizations as well.
The students were escorted throughout the participation by Dr. Mohammed Eshahethi (Head of Community Health Department) and Dr. Safeyah Erruzami (Director of Research and Training). Taking place as part of the Department’s training program for the 1st semester, the participation was intended to develop the students’ community health skills.
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