Community Health Students Visit Sewer Treatment Plant
A Field visit was organized by Community Health Department, Faculty of Medical Sciences at Al-Nasser University to the Sewer Treatment Plant located at Arrowdha. Conducted on Monday 4 Nov 2019, the visit targeted the department’s 3rd level students.
Escorted throughout their visit by Dr. Mohammed Esh-shahithi (Head of Community Health Department) and Dr. Safyah Erruzami (Director of Research & Training Office), the students were received by the Plant’s staff members. Mr. Jaber Al-Aghberi (the Technical Manager) and Dr. Sameera Al-Hakmi (the Biological Specialist) gave a detailed explanation about the Plant’s work mechanism. The students were introduced to the Plant’s various sections including the lab, the control room, the plant entrance, the filtering network, the primary sediment basins into which the sewage waters pass from the spiral pumps, and the ventilation basins where the aerobic and anaerobic biological and chemical treatment is conducted. Finally the ultimate sediment basins where the sludge is separated from water and dragged through pipes sludge concentration and drying basins while the water goes to the pool.
The Head of Community Health Dept. noted that the visit is part of department’s training plan for the 1st semester that aims to link the theoretical classes up with field practical training. He presented his thanks to the FMS deanship as well as The University board for their support to the activities that improve the department’s efficiency.
Community Health Students Visit Sewer Treatment Plant
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