Completion of Staff Training Program
Thursday, 06 November 2014
University has concluded two training courses that were conducted in collaboration with International Centre for Human Development.
Held under the mottos: “Administrative Excellence and Efficient Supervision” for principals and deans and “Worker Performance Assessment,” the two courses are part of a project to restructure and upgrade the administrative and the H R systems.
The courses aimed to provide the principals with the skills to assess the performance of staff in the new structure and H R systems as well as the ability to do the work competently and deal professionally with the pressure of everyday job duties.
Attending the last session, Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram, Chairman of the Board of Trustees delivered a speech in which he thanked the participants and the trainer Dr. Abdulmalik Mulhi. He praised the role played by the Human Resource Department towards improving the personnel’s performance pointing to the importance of such a program in helping departments’ managers to evaluate their employees.
Participants in the course included: the Rector, the Secretary-general, deans of faculties, heads of departments, and administrative principals at the University.
The project was implemented in three phases, namely: system analysis, form preparation, and training on the know-how of regulations and forms issued and approved by HRD.
The project’s three phases comprised various courses that meet the needs of the University’s staff. Two important examples are: “Determining Training Requirements” held at Eagle Hotel and “Operational Planning” at the University.
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