Conclusion of English Intensive Course
The English Intensive Course targeting the Third & Fourth Level students was concluded last Thursday at Department of English, Faculty of Humanities. The 50-hour/ 5-week course aimed to sharpen and refresh the students’ language skills.
On the occasion of completing the course, a small party was celebrated by participants and at which Dr. Munir Al-Aghberi (Head of English Department) was present. In his address, Dr. Al-Aghberi thanked both the CBT and Chancellor for the continuous interest in offering the best training to students as per quality standards. He, thereafter, appreciated the dedicated efforts made by Ms Sahar El-Sayaghi (the course instructor) and valued the participants’ interactive role wishing them all the best.
For her part, Ms Sahar thanked the Chancellery and Head of Department for organizing the course. She, moreover, urged the participants to go ahead making use of the knowledge they obtained from the course.
The celebrating students made a number of participations and language games that exemplified the extent of their acquisition. They thanked Ms Sahar for her committed training and the Head of the Department for organizing the course.
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