Conclusion of Knockout Round Qualifying for Football League Semifinals
The knockout round qualifying for the semifinals of Al-Nasser football league tournament (2019/2020) was concluded as the last quarterfinal game was played on Tue, 21 Jan 2020 on Ath-thawrah playground, Sana’a.
Pharmacy Fourth-level could qualify by winning the game held last Sat against IS Second-level with a 7/0 result.
In today’s games, Accounting B played against Administrative Sciences First-level and won by 4/2. The second game was won by 3/0 for Pharmacy Second-level due to the absence of Medical Labs team. In the third game, Administrative Sciences Second-level could beat Pharmacy Fifth-level by 4/0 scores.
The games’ results qualify the teams of Pharmacy Fourth-level, Administrative Sciences Second-level, Accounting, and Pharmacy Second-level for the semifinals of Al-Nasser football tournament.
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