Cooperation Agreement between University and Yemen Marketing Association (YMA)
An agreement has been signed by the University with Yemen Marketing Association whereby two scholarships in Administrative Sciences are to be granted annually by the University to YMA. The criteria and procedures of the granted scholarships, however, have to be further discussed in a separate agreement.
The agreement was signed by Dr. Said Elghalibi, the Rector, on behalf of the University and Mr. Abdulhakeem Abdulaziz, the Secertary-General of YMA.
The agreement includes also 20% fee discount offered by the University to the YMA students joining Administrative Sciences and 20% discount in short-term courses and training programs.
The Association could, according to the agreement, make use of the University’s halls and other facilities to organize its different activities for free but at the host’s convenience.
Moreover, YMA is allowed to promote its various activities and programs within the University campus after prior coordination. It will get two invitations to the conferences, seminars and workshops conducted by the University.
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