Current Academic Year Over and Admission Open for 2014/2015
As the current academic year 2013/2014 has come to an end, Prof. Saeed Alghalibi, University Chancellor, offered his warm congratulations to the University students on the great success wishing them a happy summer vacation.
As to the admissions for the academic year 2014-2015 opening a week ago, Chancellor confirmed that the University is committed to the regulations set by Ministry of Higher Education including the grades approved for admission to various colleges. He noted that the University is keen to accept only the students with high grades. Furthermore, the number of the seats offered in all departments is limited to ensure the quality standards, comfortable classes, and then efficient expertise outcomes. For his part, Mr. Fuad Alba’dani, Registration Officer, pointed out that the University’s reputation and academic excellence over the past years have credited it with the trust of students as well as parents who show great satisfaction with its excellence and scientific progress.
Registration and Admission Department never fails to provide applicants with adequate information about the University and the particular colleges they decide to join. This includes introducing them to the integrated departments, laboratories, halls, facilities, curricula and teaching methods.
It is worth mentioning that Al-Nasser University will undergo an important improvement during the summer vacation. This includes upgrading the University’s infrastructure, and the administrative and academic systems. In addition, new educational methodologies and updated curricula will be introduced in 2014-2015.
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