Deans Inspect Class Progress
Deans conducted inspecting visits to class halls and labs where they were received by heads of departments and faculty.
In his visit to FMS class halls and labs escorted by Dr Yasser El-Madhaji (Head of Pharmacology), Dr Abdulkareem El-Zumor, the Dean, confirmed that the entire administrative staff along with the University’s facilities should be prepared well for students’ reception.
At Faculties of Administrative Sciences and Humanities, a visit was made by the respective Deans (Dr Muhammed El-Kuhali and Dr Muhammed Shawqi). Likewise, the Deans inspected the preparations for the new academic year at the various departments.
Meeting the students, the Deans listened to their concerns over the general educational process. They stressed that students must keep to the classes as per the timetables. As for the University’s Administration, it spared no efforts for students to begin their classes on time. Wishing students well, the Deans cleared a number of doubts raised by them.
At the end, the Deans praised the departments’ great readiness with the well-equipped labs and posted-up class timetables. They, moreover, directed the heads of departments to do their best so as to ensure that the educational process would start off steadily.
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