FAFS Deanship Holds Meeting in Preparation for 2nd Semester
Dr. Fahd El-Khayat, Dean of Faculty of Administrative and Financial Studies at Al-Nasser University held a meeting on Thurs, 2 Jan 2020 that comprised the FAFS faculty and staff members. The meeting was intended to discuss the preparations for the 2nd semester of the present academic year 2019/2020.
A number of points were on the meeting agenda including such arrangements to start the upcoming semester as coordinating with the teaching staff, the departments’ study plans, in addition to adherence to timetables.
The Dean also met the group representative of all levels and talked about the students’ rights as well as the obligations to be shouldered by the representatives toward their colleagues and teachers.
Dr. Mohammed Ashahethi, a faculty member at Hospital Administration Department, noted that the meeting gave a chance to faculty and staff members to get acquainted with each other and exchange views and ideas over how to make the educational process in FAFS more efficient.
For her part, T. Sahar, an academic superintendent, pointed out to the meeting’s outcomes that aim to improve the quality of performance at the various departments and present the administrative as well as academic efforts in an integrated whole.
جامعة الناصر تقيم فعالية للإحتفال بذكرى ميلاد الزهراء
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