FMS Makes Anti-Covid 19 Sanitizer for Staff
As part of the precautionary actions to protect the University staff members against Covid 19 pandemic, a sanitizer hand gel was made by Faculty of Medical Sciences. Produced under the FMS Dean’s supervision and the ANU Chancellor’s support, the sanitizer bottles were distributed to the entire staff members with no exception. Dr. Abdulkareem Ezzumor (FMS Dean) pointed out that the faculty’s staff members including heads of departments, superintendents, and lab technicians contributed to the process of preparing the sanitizer gel and distributing it to University’s staff members. He also confirmed that the initiative was motivated by the sense of commitment to community as well as the motive to give the University an active role in education and protection against the virus. This step is part of the precautionary procedures taken by Al-Nasser University to protect against and control the current Covid 19 pandemic. In addition, the University has complied with one-month study suspension decree issued by Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. It has also cut down the number of the working staff members who are now working in shifts throughout the week. Besides, many other procedures have been applied to assure protecting the staff against the pandemic. According to World Health Organization, Covid 19 is an infectious pandemic. The virus infection takes place via the spray coming out of the sneezing or coughing patient’s nose or mouth over the surrounding surfaces. The other people might be infected upon touching those surfaces and then their eyes, nose, or mouth. The people who breathe in the infected person’s drips coming out with cough or even outbreath may catch the disease as well. The most significant method of protection against the virus infection is to keep a minimum of one-meter distance from the infected or suspicious person. In addition, hands must be washed regularly with alcoholic sterilizer or soap bar. One must avoid touching his/her eyes, nose, or mouth after the hands have been in contact with any external surface. Furthermore, the proper hygienic practices should be followed upon sneezing or coughing.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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