Fourth Meeting of University Council
Saturday, 07 February 2015
Chaired by the Rector, Prof. Abdullah Tahish, the University Council held its fourth meeting over 2015.
The meeting discussed a number of topics; most notably the credit hours of the I T course requirements, the 2014 convocation, the starting date for the second semester, and the modified working schedule for deans and heads of department.
The Rector praised the efforts contributing to the success of the educational and examination processes. He also valued the role played by the deans and heads of departments in running the first-semester exams.
In order to raise the level of students’ educational acquirement, the meeting decided that hired teachers should have at least PhD (or Master in case of exceptional disciplines). The Council also decided that assessment reports should be submitted daily to the heads of departments and weekly to the deans to be further included in the monthly report submitted to the Rector’s office.
The Council identified the fourth Saturday of each month as a fixed date for its regular meetings.
In addition to Prof. Abdullah Tahish in the chair, attendees to the meeting included the Secretary-General, Mr. Ali El-Thaifani, Deans, Director of Student Affairs and Director of Aptech Centre.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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