Freshers’ Day at Department of English
The Freshers’ Day was celebrated at Department of English last Saturday, 11.28.2015 in the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Rector, and Dr Munir Al-Aghberi, the Head of Department.
The event that was organized by the English Department had a program chiefly meant to welcome the First-level students in their first week study as well as to provide them with an idea about the Department’s rules and regulations. In this respect, the Rector gave a speech in which he thanked the Department’s Head for his remarkable efforts to upgrade the academic performance. Prof Tahish asked students to take advantage of the experienced faculty and updated curricula at the Department to enrich their knowledge with English, a language that would open before them world-wide channels of communication.
In his speech, the Head of the Department thanked the Rector for his ceaseless support to the Department. Presenting hearty welcome to fresher students, Dr Al-Aghberi directed them that they must be active participants in the educational process rather than being idle recipients. He besides brought the good news that the much-awaited Language and Translation Centre (LTC) will be opened very shortly. This will offer short-term courses in English learning, language skills, and TOEFL preparation. He concludes with thanking Dr. Abdulwakeel and the Department’s students organizing the events and making it successful and asked them to “go ahead.”
The program was enriched with the students’ entertaining participations including welcome speeches, presentations, dramatic sketches, quizzes, interviews, etc.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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