Graduation Research Projects Viva Inaugurated at FAFS
In the presence of the Chancellor, the scholarly week started off at Faculty of Administrative & Financial Studies last Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016. The final-year students of all departments had to show up in viva sessions to defend their 2015/2016 capstone research projects.
The examined researches included a variety of topics touching upon the financial requirements of the public and private sectors. The papers’ findings and recommendations suggested solutions for the issues raised.
Prof. Abdullah Tahish noted that the research papers following a correct methodology pave the way for an easy pursuit of higher studies. The Chancellor stressed that the University always seeks to raise the academic quality and students’ scientific attainment. Praising the long way in scientific research the University had by regularly publishing two journals, he pointed out that the best research papers will be published in one of the journals in addition to offering a ranking award.
For his part, the FAFS’ Dean, Dr. Mohammed El-Kuhali, explained how such papers are the culmination of a four-year attainment. Appreciating the students’ hard work to tackle issues of public concern, he considered scientific research the cornerstone of the community’s development and wellbeing as well.
Dr. Khaled El-Haj, a faculty member and guide at FAFS, praised the papers’ excellent topics and arguments that would be valuable additions to the Yemeni scholarship. He extended a word of thanks to Al-Nasser for their interest in the scientific research typified by publishing two academic journals and rewarding the ranking papers.
The research students offered their thanks to Al-Nasser for the constant support throughout their study and encouragement after graduation. They also highly appreciated the staff’s devoted commitment to building up a knowledgeable generation.
Held at FAFS with faculty members and students in attendance, the viva voce sessions are to continue throughout the week.
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