Graduation Research Viva Held at English Dept.

Thursday, 02 August 2018

The viva voce of the graduation research projects was organized by Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, Al-Nasser University on July 29, 2018.

The Viva session was held in the presence of  Dr. Mohammed Shawqi (Dean of Humenities), Dr. Munir Al-Aghberi (Head of English Department), Dr. Ahmed EL-Bakri & Dr. Radhawan El-Sharif (research guides), and Dr. Ahmed El-Ruba’ai (the external examiner).

The conducted researches tackled many practical aspects of English language including the following topics:

Nominal Suffixes: Morphological, Semantic and Phonological features; An Analytical Study of the Advertisements Translated into English with a Special Reference to Signboards and Product Labels; and Verbal Suffixes: Morphological,  Semantic and Phonological features.

In a statement, Dr. Al-Aghberi noted to the students’ three-month hard work during which they could overcome many difficulties and thus their research papers got their excellent final form.

For his part, Dr. El-Sharif  praised the quality and methodology of the presented papers as they met the research standards that make them acceptable for publication in any scholarly journal.

Dr. El-Ruba’ai pointed out that the researches presented by students could enrich the topics they tackled. He also confirmed that the projects’ creativity represented a valuable addition to the record of success achieved by English Department. “Al-Nasser University ,” he maintained, “is one of the best Yemeni universities. We could find the proof of this fact today as we attend the viva session at English Department. There is a keen interest in scholarship, well organization, and competency, the features that mark Al-Nasser as outstanding amid other universities.


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