Graduation Research Viva Voce Held at English Department
The viva voce session of 2020/2021 graduation research projects presented by the English Department students was held at Faculty of Humanities, Al-Nasser University on Tues, 17 August 2021.
At the outset of the viva sessions, a speech was delivered by Dr. Omar Esh-shuja’, Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center who extended his thanks to the FH Dean, Head of English Department, and the department’s faculty members for their undeniable imprint in the department’s development. He also confirmed to students that completing the college years would take them to a new responsibility in their career progress which needs harder work to improve their skills and sharpen experience so that they can represent Al-Nasser University very well.
Dr. Munir Al-Aghberi, Head of English Department, pointed out that the research groups presented two excellent and complementary topics of relevance to the current educational status. One study deals with the impact of Covid-19 on education at departments of English, Yemeni universities. Its excellence arises from the recommendations it suggested to the Yemeni universities on how to cope up with the lockdown situations in case of the pandemic recurrence. The other study presented a practical solution to the similar lockdown situations through the medical English terminology mobile app developed by the researchers for medical colleges’ students. Al-Aghberi noted to outstanding performance of the research groups and the examiners’ valuable comments. He also presented his sincere thanks to University’s Chancellor for the constant support to English Department.
For his part, Dr. Ahmed Rubaei, the faculty member at Hajjah University and Secretary General of UNESCO’s local office, expressed his sense of pride over the presented studies that proved to be practical, realist and of concern to the Yemeni higher education. They came up with excellent findings. He valued the research groups and supervisors for investigating topics that cover both the problem and its solution simultaneously.
Dr. Radhwan Esharif, a faculty member at Al-Nasser University, highlighted the need of the local and regional educational institutions for such studies that touch upon real issues. The two research papers found practical solutions for the effects of Covid-19 on the educational process. Whereas the first paper diagnosed the problem, the second offered an educational mobile app of use to the national and Arab university students.
The viva sessionwas were held at the University’s head office in the presence of Dr. Omar Esh-shuja’(DQAC Dean), Mr Ali Ethayfani (Secretary General), Dr. Mohammed Shawqi (FH Dean), Dr. Munir Al-Aghberi, (Head of English Department), Dr. Ahmed Rubaei (the external examiner), and Dr. Radhwan Esharif (a faculty member and research supervisor).
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