Head of IT Dept. Inaugurates New Computer Lab
As part of Al-Nasser University’s interest in keeping up with the recent educational-method developments and technologies, a new computer lab was launched at Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences by Dr. Qais Ennuzaili , Head of Information Technology Department.
The inaugurated lab is equipped with 31 computer devices having cutting-edge specifications, namely the processor speed and memory capacity, so as to meet the up-to-date software apps prescribed by IT Department in association with Aptech Interanationl Center.
With such a recent equipment, the lab is expected to help the students develop their practical skills and, thus, improve their learning to keep up with the IT revolution.
According to Dr. Nuzzaili, there are five computer labs at the IT Department which are all so well-equipped to help the students understand and practice their courses. He noted to the department’s future plans to open more labs and upgrade the existing ones to meet the increasing admissions since the seat limit ascribed by Ministry of Higher Education for the recent academic year was fully engaged.
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