Honor Certificate to AL-Amal Microfinance Bank
An honor certificate was presented by Al-Nasser University to Al-Amal Microfinance Bank last Wednesday for participating in students’ practical training.
Presented by Dr. Muhammed El-Kuhali (FAFS Dean) at the Bank’s head office, the certificate was received by Mr. Muhammed Ali Attiah (Director of Training and Technical Support at the Bank).
Dr. El-Kuhali appreciated the Bank’s training and technical support to students through explanation, clarification, and practical training. He, furthermore, praised the role of Training and Technical Support Department in helping students practice their theoretical learning, enhancing, in the process, the University’s educational performance.
For his part, Mr. Attiah highly appreciated such a kind gesture by the University which crowned the Bank’s efforts in endowing the microfinancial, support and training to youths.
He noted how Al-Nasser has become a paragon of practical learning in all its departments. It had a number of agreements with state and private institutions so as to ensure promising future careers for its graduates.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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