Hospital Management Students Visit Modern European Hospital
A scientific visit was organized by Hospital Management Department, Faculty of Administrative & Financial Studies, Al-Nasser University for fourth-level students to the Modern European Hospital last Saturday, Dec 16, 2017.
The students toured the hospital’s various sections such as: X-ray, Emergency, Operation Theatre, Gynecology, In-patient wards, Intensive Care Unit, Lab, and Magnetic Resonance. In addition, they visited the offices of the hospital’s directory, quality unit, archive, finance, procurements, human resources, and marketing. They were introduced to the mechanism of administrative transactions and how the hospital’s different sections and offices are so connected as to provide patients with health care services.
According to Dr. Najeeb Iskander (the instructor of Business Administration at Al-Nasser University), the visit’s main goal is to help the students attain the maximum practical learning. Field training is necessary for students to develop the practical skills of the theoretical knowledge they studied in class. He thanked the University’s Board for the great interest and cooperation it offered to organize such a visit.
For their part, the participating students valued the visit as it took them a step ahead to career. It introduced them to the nature of the work in hospitals and health centers as well as exposed them to experienced people in their field of specialty.
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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