Humanitarian Aid for Orphanage Students
Thursday, 15 May 2014
A humanitarian visit has been paid today by the students of Faculty of Administrative Sciences to Sana’a Orphanage. The visit intended to inspect the orphans’ living standards and to offer aids to them as well.
The visit, made by Dr. Mohammed Alukhali, Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, and a number of students, helped the visitors get familiar with the orphans’ situation. The students, thereafter, distributed aids to the orphans at the Seventh and Eighth Standards. The offered aids included clothes, foods and some gifts.
Ms. Ahlam Alarashi, the Orphanage’s Director, welcomed the visit which she considered to be a generous gesture from a university that efficiently assumes its social role and feels its responsibility towards the needy and the disadvantaged.
Towards the end of her speech, Ms. Ahlam thanked Dr. Mohammed and other visitors for carrying out their previous promise to visit the orphanage again. She also confirmed the orphanage’s need for the support of private institutions and bodies by visiting the house, offering endowments, and bringing forth happiness and cheerfulness to orphans. The orphanage, according to her, is currently undergoing great difficulties due to the increase in the number of the orphans admitted.
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