I S Students Recommend Application of Decision Support System (DSS)
Friday, 13 February 2015
Information Systems senior students continue preparation to organize a workshop on DSS and the scope it is applicable in government and private Yemeni institutions.
The intended workshop comes to crown the students field survey conducted to such companies as Yemensoft, HOVAS, Natco. The survey meant to check the extent to which DSS is used in Yemeni companies and the benefits derived from its implementation.
Student Mohamed Al Hammadi stated that a very large number of companies and institutions lack a local administrative system to support decision-making. They have not even developed integrated systems that might contribute to the institutional support while most computer systems have secondary role to play since they are functioning separately. He expressed his hopes that DSS will be adopted in Yemeni companies so as to improve the administrative and economic performance all over the country.
Moreover, students conducting the field visit got acquainted with the companies’ customer service platforms, most notably financial and accounting systems and the benefits of their application. They also discussed how to develop these systems, methods of connecting them in a network, and how the technological evolution contributes through the DSS to the improvement of administration.
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