I T Unit Organizes Training Session on Academic System Updates
Held at the University’s headquarter on Tuesday, July17, 2018, a training session was organized by the I T Unit of Al-Nasser University over the updates added to the academic system.
The session tackled a number of topics that introduced the procedures of electronic archiving for students’ data. Mr. Anwar Adam, the I T specialist, gave a detailed explanation on the mechanism of inputting and archiving documents electronically into the academic system as well as searching for and retrieving them when needed.
The training session aimed at setting an electronic mechanism of students’ data storing and archiving in the University’s academic system with no need to browse their hard copies. This is part of a strategy to update administrative systems across the University’s various offices and depts. so as to boost their efficiency, quality and prompt achievement.
The staff members in the departments in connection with students’ and graduates’ affairs participated in the session that was held in the presence of Mr. Ali EL-Thayfani (Secretary General).
رئيس جامعة الناصر الاستاذ الدكتور عبدالله حسين طاهش يقوم بزيارة تفقدية للجان والقاعات الامتحانية الخاصة بكلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسوب الاثنين 24 فبراير 2025
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صنعاء 20 شعبان 1446 هجرية الموافق 18 فبراير 202...