IBDL Program for University Students
An introductory seminar on International Business Driving License (IBDL) has been organized by Faculty of Administrative Sciences in conjunction with IBDL Organization. Students coming from the University’s different departments attended the seminar preparatory to the license program that will be uniquely conducted by Al-Nasser University.
Hosted by the University and presented by IBDL Organization, the seminar was meant to introduce students to the intended program, namely: how to pursue and obtain the license; its significance for post-graduation administrative careers; and exposing students to the nature of most administrative, financial, and marketing professions in modern corporations.
Dr. Muhammed Elkuhali was appointed to act on behalf of the University as to finishing the agreement procedures. He would be also in charge of directing the program through which students are to pursue the prescribed course and pass the exams qualifying to the accredited certificate.
IBDL is an international certificate in business administration skills that is recognized in 36 countries all over the world. Many governments, universities, organizations, and companies have incorporated it in their H R systems. Furthermore, the IBDL Organization has branch offices in the USA, UK, Egypt, Malaysia, Qatar, and Yemen.
The above-mentioned introductory seminar opened with speeches delivered by Mr. Ali Elthaifani, the Secretary-General, Dr. Muhammed Elkuhali, Dean of Faculty of Administrative Sciences, and Dr. Muhammed Shawqi, Dean of Humanities College. Attendance mainly included a number of faculty members and IBDL coordinators.
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