Iftar Banquet for Staff
Friday, 18 July 2014
The entire University staff has been invited on Friday to the Iftar banquet hosted by the University as part of its joint functions. The banquet was attended by: CBT—Dr. Ahmed Saif Muharram, Chancellor—Prof Saeed Alghalibi, and the entire staff.
While having their dinner at Alshaibani Restaurant, Haddah-Sana’a, the invitees of superiors and subordinates exchanged good wishes for Khawatim (the blessed last ten days of Ramadan). In a very warm and brotherly atmosphere, the invitees expressed their feelings of satisfaction and happiness at such an occasion where they could come together out of work. Such an event meant to them rejoicing beforehand the upcoming Eid, especially after their jobs were done well throughout the last academic year.
Prior to the forgoing banquet, the University granted an extra half-month salary to all its employees. Such an initiative comes to confirm the care and honor offered by the University to the Staff in return for their great efforts.
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صنعاء 20 شعبان 1446 هجرية الموافق 18 فبراير 202...