IT Department Commences 2022/2023 Graduation Projects Viva Voce
In the presence of Prof Abdullah Tahish, the Chancellor, the 1st viva voce session of the graduation projects for the academic year 2022/2023 commenced at IT Department, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences, on Mon, 19 June 2023.
The Chancellor confirmed in a speech that he delivered on the occasion that the IT program at Al-Nasser University is one of the best programs offered by Yemeni universities. He cited for example the outstanding graduation projects presented by the program’s students. He also noted that computer science and technology is a vast field of knowledge which keeps developing all the time and to which specialists should make more efforts to keep pace with the new updates.
For his part, Prof Omar Eshuja, Dean of Development and Quality Assurance Center, pointed out that graduation projects represent the cornerstone that help students access the entrepreneurship world, start their own business, and work on improving their research and avoid any possible shortcoming.
The viva voce session comprised two research groups. The 1st group presented an application for improving kids’ reading skills using speech recognition technology, whereas the 2nd group came up with a tailoring and design show application (Fashionista).
Dr. Qais Ennuzaili, FECS Vice Dean and Head of IT Department, stated that the graduation projects viva voce is the harvest by which students make use of the scientific and practical skills gained from study.
The session took place in the presence of Mr. Ali Ethayfani, Secretary General, Dr. Mohammed Elmoqri, a supervisor and external examiner, Mr. Hani Elghaithi, a faculty member, Mr. Anas Elhamadi, the academic officer, and students of IT Department.
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