IT Students Visit UST Hospital
A visit organized by FECS was conducted for IT juniors to the Department of Information Systems & Technology at University of Science and Technology Hospital on May 16, 2017.
The students were received by Dr. Ahmed EL-Mansour (Head of UST’s IT Dept.), Mr. Muhanad Ethubhani (Technical Support Executive), and Mr. Tameem Ettameemi (Director of IT Office) who introduced them to the nature of their department’s work.
A presentation was made by Muhanad Ethubhani on work mechanism in IT Department and the network management system of UST . He guided the visitors as they toured the Data Center to show them how data are stored, transferred and shared among UST’s different buildings and offices.
Mr. Ettameemi introduced the students to the mechanism by which the Hospital’s systems such as clinics, nursing, wards, etc. are connected together. He, furthermore, answered the students’ questions over the methods information systems and data are managed in both UST and the Hospital.
Mr. Ettameemi gave also some professional advices about the most recent programming languages and how to be continuously updated to the cutting-edge systems of information technology.
For their part, students felt happy with the knowledge they acquired. They presented their great thanks to Al-Nasser University for offering such a visit that gave them a chance to identify the practical nature of their discipline. According to Mohammed Sha’mulah (an IT junior), the visit introduced him to the systems by which networks and data are run. It certainly helps the students conceive an idea about the nature of their future career.
The students were accompanied throughout their visit by Mr. Jaber El-Absi (Academic Deputy of Al-Nasser’s IT Dept.) and Mr. Adam Etharhani (Director of Al-Nasser University Portal).
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