IT Students Visit Y-Tech Co
IT senior and IS junior students went on two scientific visits that were organized by IT Department, FECS, Al-Nasser University to the headquarter of Y-tech Co for international technology on Nov 28, 2017.
Received by Mr. Ryadh El-Nehmi (Director of Systems Section), the students were introduced by Ms. Amal Amir (a senior IS engineer) to the company and its industry. She, thereafter, elaborated on the nature, structure, and implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). She also shed light on how to analyze the gap between the international systems and the internal policies and procedures of local companies as well as the methods employed in setting ERP systems.
Mr. El-Nehmi talked about the recent international inclination to software application in various enterprises. He advised students to be always updated about the cutting-edge software industry and to obtain the essential knowledge and skills that would help them get promising careers.
The students were escorted throughout their visit by Dr. Fahd El-Wesabi (Head of IT Department) and Mr. Fathi El-Ak-hali (Instructor of ERP).
The students’ feedback reflected a sense of satisfaction with the outcome of the visit. Mohammed Shumolah (an IT senior), stressed the importance of getting closely familiar with processing ERP systems along with their setting and connection mechanism. He noted to his determination to update his information about all modern systems so as to get an obvious professional overview for his future career.
According to Osamah Khaqu (an IS junior), he got acquainted with ERP that helps save money and link different systems as well as with the open source systems and how to redesign them in accordance with the clients’ demand. He also confirmed his plan to pay head to the specialists’ advice to follow up the updates of administrative system industries.
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