Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Studies: (Vol. 3, No. 2) Issue Release
The second issue (vol. 3) of the Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Studies has been released. This is an international refereed journal published semi-annually by Arab Association for Environmental Studies in collaboration with Al-Nasser University—Yemen. It is principally concerned with the scholarly studies in the field of environment and sustainable development. The papers accepted for publication are subject to a peer-review process and must meet the scholarly standards.
The third volume included the following topics:
- Problems of Migration & Refugees: Africa as a Case Study
- The Role of Financial Data E-processing in Achieving Quality of Accounting Information: A Field Study Applied to Almukala Fish Canning Factory—Hadramout, Yemen
- Students’ Evaluation of Postgraduate Program at University of Science & Technology—Wadi Hadramout
- Students’ Evaluation of the Academic Curriculum—Faculty of Media, Sana’a University: A Survey on a Group of Graduates.
- Impact of Professional Ethics on Improving Job Performance as Viewed by Directors of Tadhamun International Islamic Bank
- Crime and Combating Means of Women Trafficking: A Comparative Study between Jurisprudence and Positive Law
- Continuous Vocational Learning and its Role in Improving Auditing Profession: An Exploratory Study over Auditing Offices & Academicians in the Republic of Yemen
- Relevance of Potable Drinking Water Treatment Plants in Taiz City – Yemen.
According to Dr. Abdullah Tahish (University Chancellor and Journal’s Editor), both AAES and Al-Nasser University do their best to get each issue ready in time to help research scholars get the studies adhering to the journal’s guidelines published.
The interested researchers can get soft copies of the journal’s current and previous issues by browsing the electronic archive on Al-Nasser’s official website:
They can also contact the Editorial Board via email:
Mob: 00967777186931
Fax: 00967536310
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صنعاء 20 شعبان 1446 هجرية الموافق 18 فبراير 202...