Lab Dept. Completed First Aid Training Course
A first-aid training course was concluded at Lab Department last Thursday, Nov 17, 2016. The course was conducted in conjunction with Health Training Organization (Sehhati) under the slogan “First Aid & Rapid Response.”
The course tackled the first aid fundamentals and how to deal with the various types of emergencies: choking, bleeding, trauma, poisoning, burns and wounds, etc.
Dr. Mukhtar El-Zumor (Head of Lab Department) pointed out that such a course was held to give students a practical training in first aid as a skill that every FMS student should have.
The course program comprised a number of activities by which participants were trained on rapid response and stocktaking so that appropriate action can be taken in case of emergencies.
Held at Faculty of Medical Sciences, the three-day course targeted Lab second-level students. The efficient trainees came from the Health Training Organization (Sehhati).
جامعة الناصر تقيم الفعالية المركزية للاحتفال باسبوع الشهيد 1446هجرية
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