Land of Peace Organization Honoured University
Al-Nasser University has been honoured by Land of Peace Organization for Rights, Freedoms and Development. The honour was received on behalf of the University by the Rector, Dr. Abdullah Tahish, as he met the Organization’s delegation last Monday.
The Organization conferred such an honour on the University in appreciation of the major role it plays towards the students’ welfare, especially those coming from low-income families. Moreover, Al-Nasser offers discounts to the students nominated by the Organization for study at the University in addition to granting complimentary seats to other partner institutions.
Expressing his great thanks, the Rector praised the social, developmental, and educational efforts made by the Organization. He stressed that the University can never stop its interest in students’ welfare. It would maintain its excellent services to ensure a first-rate performance by the different colleges and centres. More partnership agreements would also be signed with local and international organizations so as to effectively enhance community service and facilitate the learning process for the needy students.
Mr Abdul Aziz Hussein Hamoud, Director of the Organization, considered Al-Nasser as one of the most cooperative institutions in the fields of human development as well as education. He highlighted the significant part of the private sector’s cooperation towards achieving refined education which would, in turn, contribute to a real national development.
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