Last Viva Session of Pharmacology Research Projects Rounds off Scholarly Week
Organized by Department of Research and Training, the scholarly week of Pharmacology research projects—2013\2014 batch—has been rounded off with holding the last viva-voce session.
At the conclusion of the session, the committee of examiners recommended that excellent projects must be sponsored and implemented by the University as they represent a major contribution to the community’s development due to the absence of any active role by the government in this respect. Furthermore, they named some advanced projects conducted by gifted students for the University’s patronage in hope of making significant addition to science.
The committee of examiners consisted of: Dr. Tawfeeq Elobaidi, a professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Sana’a University, Dr. Mohammed Elghazali, Head of Pharmacology Dept at Al-Nasser University, and Dr. Ahmed Mahoub, Director of Research and Training at FMS.
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