Medical Lab Students Visit NCPHL
Vocational training is one of Al-Nasser University’s key goals. Based on this conviction, a field visit was organized by ANU’s Research & Training Office for the Medical Labs second-level students to the National Center of Public Health Laboratories (NCPHL) located at Ezzira’ah neighborhood on Sat, 26 Oct 2019. The visit is part of the 2019/2020 training program implemented by the Research & Training Office at Faculty of Medical Sciences.
The students were introduced during the visit to the Center’s sections including: Sample Reception, Viruses, Parasites, Microbiology, Clinical Chemistry, Hormones & Tumors, General Blood, Blood Bank, Vaccines, and Tissues.
The students were accompanied throughout the visit by Dr. Isam Elqadasi, the Field Training Superintendent at FMS, who gave a detailed explanation about the work mechanism of each section. The visitors were received by the Center’s officials including Dr. Abdullah Elhababi, the NCPHL’s Consultant, Dr. Ibrahim Elatar, the Training Officer, Dr. Bushra Elmutwakel of Hormones section, Dr. Sameera Elashwal at Training & Research section, Dr. Noura Elmatari, a technician of Tissues, and Dr. Emad Eledmad, the Director of Library.
The visit intended to improve the students’ qualification and help them acquire the lab practical skills that complement the studied theoretical classes.
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