Medical Labs Dept. Concludes 1st Semester Training Program
The Medical Labs students at Faculty of Medical Sciences, Al-Nasser University concluded the training program for the 1st semester, 2019/2020. Including a number of various practical and field activities, the training plan is an essential part of the department’s program by which the students’ practical and professional skills are developed so as to complement the theoretical knowledge they receive in class.
The practical training was carried out in many health centers; namely National Center of Public Health Laboratories, National Center for Blood Transplantation and Research, General Police Hospital, Al Awlaqi Specialized Laboratories, and 48 Typical Hospital. The students are evaluated by the field training superintendent at Al-Nasser University in addition to the training officers at the respective hosting centers.
At the above centers, students are trained on the nature of work in each section beginning with a proper sample taking, writing down data into the register, and marking the cases of sample rejection in addition to the tests required in the check-ups forms. They are also introduced to using the sections’ devices, the operational guide of each device, how samples are entered and data input. They also learn how to output data and switch off the particular device before handing over the analysis results to the patients properly.
According to Dr. Mukhtar Ezzumor, Head Medical Labs Department, the practical is a constituent part of the department’s study plan. It enables the students to develop their capabilities, improve their skills, apply their knowledge in real-life, and acquire the professional experience in their major.
For his part, Dr. Isam Elqadasi, the Field Training Superintendent at Faculty of Medical Sciences, stated out that the main objective of training is to qualify competent professionals who would be able to handle medical labs’ modern technology as well as to actually integrate into the work environment.
For her part, Dr. Safeyah Erruzami, Director of Research and Training at Faculty of Medical Sciences, pointed out that provided the accomplishment of the medical labs’ training program for the 1st semester along with the training evaluation results of students it could be concluded that Al-Nasser had proven its merits as the best practical university.
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