Medical Labs Dept. Concludes 2nd Semester Training Program
The fourth level students of Medical Labs department, Faculty of Medical Sciences, concluded the training program of the second semester 2020/2021. The program included practical field training in a number of hospitals and medical laboratories.
Spanning ten weeks, the field training was conducted in such health centers as: Kuwait Hospital, National Center for Blood Transplantation & Research, National Center for Public Health Labs, 48 Typical Hospital, Awlaqi Labs, and New Lab. The trainees were throughout overseen and evaluated by the field training supervisor at Al-Nasser University in addition to the training officials at the respective centers.
At the training centers, the students practiced the work mechanism at each section, beginning with the proper samples reception, noting them down in the respective registers, identifying the cases of rejected samples, and the required tests on the checkup list. They were also trained on how to use the various devices, the devices’ specific functions, the sample inputting and setup, outputting, switching the device down, and handing the test results over to patients.
Field training is part and parcel of the Medical Labs Department’s syllabus at Al-Nasser University. It is meant to improve the students’ practical skills by involving them in a real-life professional experience that they would be part of after graduation.
رئيس جامعة الناصر يشارك في اجتماعات مجلس اتحاد مجالس البحث العلمي العربية ببغداد
شارك الأستاذ الدكتور عبد الله حسين طاهش أمين ال...كادر جامعة الناصر يشارك في المسير الشعبي لقوات التعبئة العامة
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