Bachelor’s Degree Program Your Stepping Stone to Post Graduate Degree
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
If you want to pursue your higher studies and if you want to enroll for postgraduate degree program, it is vital that you pick the right degree program at undergraduate level. You will have to pay attention to a number of factors.
First, decide what exact area that you would like to specialize. Check for the postgraduate degree programs available for the chosen area of specialization. Sometimes, the area of specialization that you choose may not be available as a straightforward course but it may be coming along with some other postgraduate degree program. So first, try to try to understand your options.
Second step is to find out what are the qualifying courses for joining you post graduate degree program of your choice. You should be aware of the requirements for each postgraduate program.
Third step is to start making your research to find the undergraduate degree program that will qualify you for your higher studies. When you are selecting your bachelors degree program, make sure that you are joining universities that offer accredited degree programs. The curriculum in the chosen university should be approved by the other educational bodies across the globe. Today people go to different countries to pursue their education. In such a scenario, you should double check whether the degree program that you select at undergraduate level will help you get into postgraduate program without having to complete any further qualifying exams.
One of the undergraduate degree programs that you can consider is the dual degree program from the Al-Nasser University, Yemen. Al-Nasser University is the best practical university of Yemen. You will find wide range of options for your undergraduate programs. There are also number of dual degree programs. One of the most popular dual degree programs offered by Al-Nasser University is the Bachelor of Information Technology program. The students of this program will have a special privilege to complete Advanced Diploma in Software Engineering within the same duration. The Advanced Diploma in Software Engineering program is offered by Aptech Institute, which is a leading information technology training centre from India. The Advanced Diploma in Software Engineering program can be completed in the Yemen center of the Aptech India. The training centre is located within the Al-Nasser University campus in Yemen. The curriculum for this dual degree program has been designed by top experts from Al-Nasser University and from Aptech. This program is accepted by all the top educational bodies. You will be able to join your post graduate degree programs in the US, UK, Australia and India without any problem. No further qualifying examinations are required to pursue your higher education not only in Yemen but also in the other countries.
If the undergraduate degree programs are not accredited then you will have problems while enrolling for your higher education. Other educational bodies may not accept your qualifying degree. It is therefore important that you do a detailed research on the nature of the course that you are joining so that you enroll only for accredited degree programs.
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