Choose a College with the Right Program for Pursuing a Bachelor of Nursing Degree
Nora Al Baghdadi
Education is a buzzword today. Never had any of the undergraduate degree programs held as much importance in the whole system of landing a good job as much as it does today. The education sector has gone tremendous change in its approach and vitality in the current times. Slowing economies have increased the value of every aspect that is crucial to landing a good job. I am well aware of the fact that education is one such factor. In truth, it is the most important factor. Experience and skills is one important thing; but in the initial stages of job hunting, it is the type of degree you hold that will decide your fate. Whether you are more skilled than your peer will not matter. Your choice of doing the right degree and completing it with excellence could be the reason you are chosen over your more skilled friend.
Having just completed high school and with this perfectly contained into my mind I decided to do research on all the avenues available to me as a science student. One of the degree programs I was very interested in and wished to do was the Bachelor of Nursing. Anyone who knows me would have been surprised at my choice. Only they do not know me enough. However, secretly, I have always nurtured a love for service. I knew that I wanted to be a part of the larger medical community and provide care for those in need. It was my way of giving back to the world however; I did not know much of what it entails to pursue the degree of nursing and what college I should choose.
My ongoing research helped me understand what to look for in a bachelor of nursing degree program’s syllabus and description. It was such a field where having ample hand on hands experience was essential. A program that seamlessly integrates practical knowledge as well as relevant theory into its program was my main area of focus to find the right college. I did find the perfect college within the locations of my choice. This was a university from Yemen and a very well known at that. They had adequate facilities for theory as well as practical application. Facilities such as medical laboratories, state of the art libraries, experienced and skilled faculties, online student services and forums for inquiry and information. I was impressed at the way the university had presented the nursing program with an inclusive approach to all aspects of nursing such as psychology, science of caring, applied nutrition, human anatomy, and microbiology. I decided to go to the campus and look for myself and ordered a brochure online to gather further information. After a few days I did a campus tour and was explained everything in detail about the college regulations, teaching programs and strategies of my particular degree and how it would provide a great foundation for further studies in the field of research, pediatrics, emergency and surgical nursing etc. I am glad to have made the decision to study here.
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