How to Save Yourself from the Hassles of Transferring Universities?
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
Transferring from one university to another is a complex process and if you are not cautious, you could end up losing a lot of time and your university credits during the process. If this is going to be a complex and tedious process, why do students still move from one university to the other? There could be many reasons for an undergraduate student to transfer from one university to the other.
If the parents of the student are moving on a transfer, they may want their son or daughter who is in college too to move with them, which results in the need for college transfer or university transfer. Or else, one may have to move from a university in one city or country to the other because of medical reasons. Thirdly, a student may not be happy with the university in which he or she is enrolled. The first two cases may not have been foreseen and you might have very little control in those two scenarios. The third scenario however could have been avoided by students easily.
Assuming that a student is seeking for transfer from one university to the other because he or she is not happy with the quality of the education or with the course that they have taken in a particular university, what are the things one could do to avoid facing such issues.
As a student that is planning to enroll for their bachelor’s degree program, it is totally within your capacity to decide which course you would like to enroll. So better, take all the time you need to decide your undergraduate degree program. Most importantly, check whether the bachelor’s degree program for which you are enrolling is an accredited degree program.
Once you have selected your undergraduate degree program, you should select the best university in the region. Al-Nasser University in Yemen is popularly known as the best practical university in Yemen. Enrolling in such universities will help you minimize the chances of facing university transfer scenario. To ensure that you are dealing with the right universities, try to take part in the University’s open day. Try to read reviews posted by the students on the campus life, the quality of the education offered by your university, etc. Also, read the University information brochure. If you are still faced with doubts or questions, contact the university’s helpdesk to have your questions and doubts clarified. It is always best to take time to have all your doubts clarified before you pay your fee because once you pay your fee you are tied to that university. If you do not like the university that you have selected after paying the fee, you will have to go through a long windy path to move from one university to the other. You cannot move to any university that you like. If you want to transfer your credits, you will be able to move only between universities that have some kind of established agreements on transfers.
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