Plant Power: Cambridge Scientists Generate Electricity from Photosynthesis
By Nora Al Baghdadi Most people know that they cannot stay alert and function at their best when they have not had enough sleep. However, most people also believe that they can always sleep it off later and recover. A new research study by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania,
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Plant Power: Cambridge Scientists Generate Electricity from Photosynthesis
By Nora Al Baghdadi Solar and wind power may have a new clean and renewable competitor in the form of plants. An article from the Cambridge University website called The Hidden Power of Moss explains how a team of Cambridge University Scientists want to show the world how they can generate renewable energy using
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هل أصبح الإنترنت وسيلة تؤثر على الأطباء؟
أ.د. محفوظ عبد لله بامشموس تعبر العلاقة بين الخريجين وأسواق العمل عن العلاقة ما بين مكون العرض (العرض الكلي للقوى العاملة) واحتياجات أسواق العمل منها (أي الطلب عليها)، ومن ثم فإن وجود فائض لهؤلاء الخريجين عن الطلب عليهم يعرف بالبطالة في أوساط الخريجين، ويمكن التعرف عليه من خلال معرفة حجم العرض منهم والطلب عليهم. وبالتالي
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Strategies for Acing Your Midterms
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi This is it. Do or die. Midterms are right around the corner and you can’t stop wondering if you’ll pass or fail. You don’t want to let your parents down, and you don’t want to look like a moron in front of your professor. Most of all, you don’t want to
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What Students Can Expect From a Quality College
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi College policies are straightforward and uncompromising. Administrators and faculty members have no problems stipulating their expectations from students. In the same regards, students should be just as critical when it comes to choosing the best educational institution. What do students want from their college is not the question to ask, but
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The Growing Reality About Common Core Implementation
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi Prior to Common Core being released and implemented in grade schools across the U.S., the government and a number of education entities touted the new set of teaching goals as a modern revision of learning. Children raised through the process would able to adapt to the work world better being taught
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Does First Five Education Now Mean Using a Smart Device As Well?
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi Tech types and computer media love the idea of toddlers playing with computers, tablets and smart phones. Not only does the concept seem to reinforce the idea that early adoption of technology makes it far easier to function with the tools, there is a belief that young minds plugged in can
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Is College Worth Anything Now?
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi In 2011 Peter Thiel of Paypal offered a scholarship of $100,000 per person to 20 candidates who would be willing to give up going to college for at least two years and instead focus on creating business startups. His thinking was that people already have the creative juices they need to
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How Does the Brain Learn Best?
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi A great deal of information has been compiled on the workings of the human brain over the last forty years. This new information has been taken into account by neuroscientists and educators who have used it to reveal practical insights to apply to classroom teaching practices. Teachers can become more effective
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Technology Trends for 2014
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi Is a Career in Technology Right for You? The IT industry is an evolving field made up of various components. IT careers range from help desk services to field engineers. There is something for everyone when it comes to finding a profession in the IT industry. The best part of expanding
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The Role of Technology in Education and Its Importance to Society
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi Education is believed to be a lifelong process that takes place right from the time when one is born and progresses until death. Both formal and informal types of education play an integral part in bettering the lives of people in a society. At present, technology seems to be taking over
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High Stakes in Educational Testing
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi Ask many students what they dislike the most about attending school and chances are their answers will be similar to what educators, school officials and parents find discouraging about the educational system — high stake testing. What is high stake testing and how is it used? High stakes testing does not
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وقفة تضامنية لمنتسبي جامعة الناصر مع فلسطين تحت شعار “مع غزة جهادنا متصاعد حتى يتوقف العدوان ويرفع الحصار”
صنعاء – الاثنين 20 رجب 1446هـ (20 يناير 2...طلبة الترجمة بجامعة الناصر يشاركون في الورش التدريبية التي يقيمها مركز الترجمة وتعليم اللغات بجامعة صنعاء لتأهيلهم لسوق العمل
قام طلبة الترجمة بجامعة الناصر،بزيارة ميدانية إ...نزول ميداني لمتابعة وتقييم برامج الدراسات العليا بجامعة الناصر
الاحد ١٩ رجب ١٤٤٦ هجرية الموافق ١٩ يناير ٢٠٢٥م ...منتخب جــامعة الناصر يحقق فوزاً ساحقاً على منتخب جامعة الامارتية 4-2 في بطولة كرة القدم للجامعات اليمنية
ضمن منافسات بطولة طوfـان الأqــصى لكرة القدم لل...إستمرار دورات ”طوفان الأقصى” لطلاب جامعة الناصر السبت, 18 يناير 2025م
إستمرار تنفيذ دورات طوفان الأقصى لطلاب جامعة ال...