القراءة ودورها في تنمية الفرد والمجتمع
د.نبيـل محمـد الشميـري إن للقراءة أهمية على المستوى الفردي والمجتمعي حيث تعد القراءة من المهارات الأساسية التي تركز عليها النظم الحديثة فهي تمكن المتعلمين من الحصول على المعرفة واكتساب المهارات الأخرى كما تسهم في صنع الفرد وتدعم ثقته بنفسه وتساعد على تنمية لغته . وتعتبر القراءة من أهم المعايير التي تقاس بها المجتمعات تقدما وتخلفا
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Why It Is Important To Select Approachable University In Yemen?
Students searching for the best universities in Yemen pay attention to numerous factors while short listing their educational institution. Things that top their list include fee, facilities, reputation, list of courses offered, campus life, etc. One of the factors to which they fail to pay attention to and regret later is the approachability of the
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Visit Your University Prior to Joining
It is not an uncommon practice for students to visit the university that they are planning to join. Most of the Universities across the globe have ‘Open Days’ which allows students that have not enrolled yet to visit the campus and learn more about the life in the campus. While the university website posts all
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Selecting Your Undergraduate Degree Program – Top Five Questions That You Should Ask
We need not have to emphasize here the importance of selecting the right undergraduate degree programs. You will be very much aware of the fact that the choices you make here and now will have lasting impact on your career and your life in general. Given all these factors, you have a huge burden on
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Calculating The Overall Cost For Your Undergraduate Degree Program In Yemen
One of the important factors that you need to figure out before joining your accredited degree program in Yemen is your affordability. You will have to calculate the overall cost for your undergraduate degree program in Yemen. Here are some of the important factors that will contribute towards the overall expenses. #1 Course Fee This
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Safety Concerns When Joining Yemen Universities As An International Student
After what has happened in Australia, the racist attacks on a certain group of students, parents are greatly discouraged from sending their children to foreign countries for their undergraduate degree programs. If your parents too are concerned then their concerns are to be considered legitimate. However, if you are planning to travel to any of
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Are Private Universities Always Expensive For Undergraduate Degree Programs?
One of the major areas of concern when you are enrolling for your bachelor’s degree programs of course will be the cost factor. Not everyone manages to get scholarships for their accredited degree programs. Moreover, not everyone in Yemen manages to secure their seats in government colleges or aided universities. The next best option that
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Plan For Your Masters Program While Selecting Your Bachelor’s Degree Program
It is always best to plan long-term as far as your education and your career are concerned. This in particular is important when you are selecting your undergraduate degree programs. This is the most crucial stage of your life because whatever decisions you are going to make in this stage will decide your lifestyle. You
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Admission Process For Undergraduate Degree Program In Yemen
Whether you are a local student from Yemen or an international student that is planning to do his or her undergraduate degree program in one of the accredited universities of Yemen, you need to be adequately prepared for the university admission process. Yemen offers students with excellent options when it comes to undergraduate degree programs.
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Dealing With The Stress Factors While Joining Your Bachelor’s Degree Program
Your college life has plenty of exciting things to offer you. Students join their undergraduate degree programs with great aspirations. However, the settling phase can prove to be highly stressful because numerous factors come into play during this phase. This phase of your life will be marked with many changes. You should learn to cope
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Transferring From The Other Universities To The Yemen Universities
Universities all over the globe have some kind of provisions for the students that are transferring from the other colleges, universities and from the other countries for various reasons. The same applies to Al-Nasser University in Yemen. Al-Nasser University has tie-ups and agreements with other colleges and universities, which allows students from those universities to
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Undergraduate Dual Degrees In Business And Finance
Business & Finance related degrees are becoming increasingly popular not only in Yemen but all over the world. Global socio-economic trends offer excellent growth opportunities in this field as a result, a very high percentage of students today join business and finance related degrees. If you too are in the process of joining your undergraduate
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رئيس جامعة الناصر الاستاذ الدكتور عبدالله حسين طاهش يقوم بزيارة تفقدية للجان والقاعات الامتحانية الخاصة بكلية الهندسة وعلوم الحاسوب الاثنين 24 فبراير 2025
قام رئيس الجامعة الاستاذ الدكتور عبدالله حسين ط...جامعة الناصر تنظم ورشة حول التهيئة الرمضانية لمنتسبيها
نظمت جامعة الناصر صباح اليوم الأثنين 25 شعبان 1...اختتام المؤتمر العلمي الأول للجامعات اليمنية في صنعاء
اختتم اليوم في العاصمة صنعاء، أعمال المؤتمر الع...لليوم الثاني على التوالي، استمرار أعمال ونقاشات المؤتمر العلمي الأول للجامعات اليمنية.
تستمر في العاصمة صنعاء لليوم الثاني على التوالي...بمشاركة جامعة الناصر وبحضور رسمي رفيع انطلاق المؤتمر العلمي الأول في صنعاء
صنعاء 20 شعبان 1446 هجرية الموافق 18 فبراير 202...