One of the important factors based on which you will be required to make your choices pertaining to your undergraduate degree programs is the career opportunities offered by your degree program. There are many degree programs and if you were to ask whether all the degree programs offer the same level of career opportunities for

Before joining a course, it is always prudent to get a clear picture on the nature of the assessments you will be required to undergo to successfully complete the program and to qualify for the degree. The same applies to your business and finance degrees. There are many business and finance degrees but the mode

Have you decided to choose Business and Finance for your undergraduate degree program? It is one of the best choices that you can possibly make given today’s employment trends. One does not select their courses just based on employment opportunities but one should also have some kind of persona interest in the course that they

Business marketing is considered to be highly challenging and not everyone is cutout for this calling. However, there are people that are passionate about marketing. These people know and have what it takes to be a top marketing expert. Nevertheless, even someone with passion for marketing will need his or her skills honed. Passion without

One’s choice of air freight must be dictated by their immediate and long term needs which maximize the services provided by air freight companies. Obviously, one only has to avail of certain services that he truly needs. There are various types of air freight services specially designed for specific purposes. While many may perform multiple

The popularity of air freight services can be attributed to the many advantages that it can give to the people. Not only are you assured that your package will arrive in the best condition, you are also assured that it will be received not a moment too late. In the past, people were not anymore

Freight is technically the term used to describe the cargo for shipment. Air freight, on the other hand, is the cargo that is being shipped via air. This may be done using typical passenger airplane aboard the cargo area or through specialized cargo planes dedicated for this special industry. It is primarily divided into three

Types of Air Freight Options

Monday, 23 June 2014

Due to the inevitable changes occurring around the globe and the need to quickly send and receive various items across countries, the airline industry has birthed a new way of shipment- air freight. Air freights are basically cargoes on the shipment which are typified into various categories to make shipping more organized and easier. Some

Globalization, internet, improvements in communication and transportation and a number of other new trends has changed the world beyond our own reckoning. They have become so fused with our lives that our daily moves are largely dictated by the uses of all these. Maybe these changes in times are inevitable. They seem to have been

The Birth… Even before, flying has been an innovation. Humans before couldn’t imagine of a time without journey. All they wanted was to fly. That’s why airplanes were born.  Eventually, technology made it a reality for people to ride on the airplane near the pilot. People became restless that they started thinking of some beneficial

The Emery Express air freight was founded in 1946. It was the air shipping forwarder to operate with a license from the CAB or the Civil Aeronautics Board. The Emery Express had been working in partnership with famous airlines and was given a certification as the universal air shipping carrier. By that time, the Emery

Ever seen one of those FedEx air freight commercials on TV? You have probably laughed at the extreme measures the actors were going through just to have the packages delivered. And you were maybe thinking that those are exaggeration. Maybe what was portrayed there was exaggeration. But the essence behind each of advertisement is clear.