Selecting A Quality College Top Ten Considerations
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
One of the most important decisions that you will be making in your life is selecting a quality college for bachelors degree programs regardless of the area of your interest. Your choice here is crucial because it will decide how well you are going to be placed and your future. Therefore, you will have to spend adequate time in reviewing various institutions for undergraduate degree programs before you finalize your institution. Here are some of the most important considerations that you need to pay attention to while selecting your college.
- Reputation – Does the college that you have shortlisted enjoy good reputation? Yes, regardless of whether you are enrolling for regular bachelors degree programs or dual degree graduate programs, today it is very important to study in institutions that are widely recognized. This will increase your employability rate. Enrolling in colleges with poor reputation will affect your career.
- Courses Offered – The college for undergraduate degree programs that you select should offer the courses that you need. You do not join in any course randomly in a college just because the college enjoys good reputation. The reputed institution that you select should specialize in the courses that you need.
- When Was The Course Started – It is not enough that you check whether the college you have shortlisted offers the courses you need. You should also check since when the chosen college has started offering those courses. Experience matters and do not make any compromises here.
- Affiliation – Never join any institution before checking their affiliations. The institutions that you select should have the right academic affiliations. You need to tread cautiously and never join institutions that do not have the right accreditations.
- Faculties – Qualified and experienced faculties make a college highly desirable. You will come across numerous colleges in Yemen but not all of them are equally well staffed. Inexperienced faculties will make your course less valuable.
- Graduation Rate – This is another important factor to pay attention to, you should find out every year how many students pass through this institution. Always select colleges that have good graduation rate. This figure will indicate the number of students that successfully graduate every year. If the graduation rate is too low when it compared to the rate of acceptance then it is best to reconsider your option here.
- Cost Involved – You should always check whether it is affordable to join a particular institution. Everyone is today looking for affordable private educations. You should submit your application only after completely calculating the costs involved so that you are 100% sure that joining your college is within your means. Do not presume that just because a college is priced high that it will be a quality college.
- College Location – You should also check whether your college is in a convenient location otherwise, you can have problem reaching your college all through the span of your course.
- Facilities Available – Take into consideration all the facilities and the infrastructure your college has. The quality of education offered will depend greatly on the facilities available. Select only a practical learning university in Yemen.
- Campus Life – This of course is an important factor to be taken into account. After all, your college life has to be a time of fun and enjoyment along with studies. So do not ignore campus life when you are in the process of selecting your college.
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