The Importance Of Joining Only Accredited Degree Programs
By Nora Al Baghdadi
Whether we like it or not, we need to accept the fact that the field of education is becoming more and more of a commercial enterprise. Many new educational institutions emerge every month and unfortunately most of them with the intention of making money. On the one hand, it is good that students have many options before them with the emergence of new educational programs but on the other hand, the students are required to be more cautious in selecting their institutions for their undergraduate degree programs or bachelors degree programs. For any institution to be legitimate, they need to follow all the guidelines stipulated by the local educational board and they need to be certified by the local authorities. In order to be accredited or endorsed by the local educational system, the educational institution should meet the requirements stipulated by the educational board. The question however is whether all the mushrooming institutions meet these guidelines issued by the respective regulatory bodies. Moreover, it is not enough that the institutions that you are selecting are recognized locally but it is vital that they have international recognition. Today’s job market is such that, you need to be prepared to work in any part of the world. If you want to enjoy a colorful career, it is very important that you join only internationally accredited degree programs so that you can find your dream job in any part of the world you like.
Regulatory bodies issue guidelines to qualify institutions for accreditation to ensure that the institutions meet certain standard so that they can deliver quality educational services to the public. If there are no such guidelines or accreditations, then it will create a very chaotic situation whereby each institution will teach their own curriculum. There will be no unified system. If there is no unified educational system then it will make things complicated for the employers to great difficulty while recruiting their candidates. By unified system we do not mean that every college and every university teaches exactly the same courses but there should be at least some kind of correspondence between these courses universally where there can be some kind of common platform.
For your degree certificate to be valid, you need to get your certification from an accredited university. As a student, that is scouting for the best bachelors degree programs or the best dual degree programs, it is your responsibility to validate your institutions before you rush to join. The practical learning university in Yemen, which you are planning to join, should be endorsed and certified.
Today, it is not enough to have knowledge in a specific field, if you want to make yourself employable, you need to be certified. The value of the certification will ultimately depend on the standard of the institution that you join. So, we cannot emphasize here enough the importance of joining accredited degree programs. There are many accredited degree programs in Yemen; you will just need to review the degree programs that you are joining as well as the institution in which you are enrolling.
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