The Role of Technology in Education and Its Importance to Society
Mr. Samir Al Baghdadi
Education is believed to be a lifelong process that takes place right from the time when one is born and progresses until death. Both formal and informal types of education play an integral part in bettering the lives of people in a society. At present, technology seems to be taking over all the functions of life. Every other day, a new gadget, or program is discovered, and used to improve the pre-existing one. This is done for purposes of making lives easier and convenient.
These technological advancements are implemented in all sectors including education. For this reason, the type of education that one expects to have presently is more complex and admirable compared to what used to be the case before new technologies begun creeping into the sector. This in turn has raised the general world’s standards of education by a significant measure. The impacts of the change in the way of learning are felt everywhere with the numerous positive results that are ever witnessed among those who have chosen to embrace technology in their education systems.
Computer Technology
The concept and overall use of computers in schools and other institutions of learning is revolutionary in nature. Depending on the level of learning, computers can be used to make the whole learning process a wonderful experience to the learners in many ways.
Initially, it was quite challenging for instructors to teach abstract concepts especially to low level achievers. This always frustrated the effort of making such students understand certain aspects of the curriculum. For instance, it was a bit difficult for the learner to internalize the concept of the solar system without having a real module to elaborate what it is all about. However, the use of audio visual that incorporates animations and video simulations can make the concept more concrete for learners to understand.
PowerPoint presentations that are interactive in nature make learning an interesting encounter for both the students and teacher. These go a long way in ensuring an enabling learning environment. There is numerous software that has been designed to supplement classroom curriculum. Such programs help by providing questions, answers, learning activities, objectives, tests and quizzes that are relevant to certain aspects of a given curriculum. Eventually, these are used to complement the role of a teacher in education. At some level of education, computer skills are taught independent of other subjects.
Internet Technology
Just like in other fields, the internet contributes immensely and is regarded an effective tool in education. At higher levels of education, researchers make use of the internet to come up with discoveries. There are several informative websites that provide relevant information and answers to search queries through the help of the many search engines. Distance learning is also made possible through offering of online courses or online supervision and implementation of curriculum.
By improving the entire learning environment, and bettering the standards of education, the society tends to gain in a number of ways. The benefits not only apply to those who are subject to the education but also to other members of the society.
Most people hold the opinion that education is power. This to a greater extent is true and realistic. The fundamental role of education is empowerment of the individual going through the process. With some level of education, one can command some power and achieve a certain status in society. It is more of a basic need for those who are concerned with both social and economic development.
Education also culminates into the ever hunted skilled labor. In the current society where most of the industrial processes are being replaced by machines that are designed using new technology, there is an increasing demand for skilled labor. As the machines and equipment replace human labor, employees are more concerned with whom to provide skills on how to use the machines to have optimum yields.
Education helps in improving the general standards of living of people in society. For instance, those who happen to attend adult education are equipped with skills on how to make maximum use of the scarcely available resources to earn a better living. Through workshops and seminars, facilitators focus on selecting income generating projects that can help better the lives of the adults. By extension, this lowers the crime rate in society.
The impact of technology and education is evident in almost all aspects of life. Learning takes place at all ages and stages of life. How one maximizes on the learning is what makes the difference between those who are successful and the failures in life.
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